Tuesday 3 March 2015

Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

This super scrub will leave your skin feeling fresh and moisturised in a few simple steps… enjoy!

You will need:

1 cup of coconut oil – or however much you want, if kept in an air tight tub you can make a big batch and will keep for weeks!
2 table spoons of sugar – maybe three if you’re making more
1 teaspoon of vanilla – or any flavouring really.  This of course is optional

Place the oil in a bowl and place the bowl in a basin of hot water. This is to make the oil not liquefied but soft enough to mix the sugar through.
This takes approx. 3-5 minutes.

Add the sugar, and mix well until the two come together in a solidified state.  
This should only take a couple of minutes.  This is when you can add the vanilla.

VoilĂ !

Your scrub is now ready to be applied to the skin!

You are welcome : )

Friday 13 February 2015

Sea Salt Body Scrub

So first of all, I would like to apologise to you all for my lack of posts these last few weeks.
I’ve been incredibly busy with college, I’ve had deadline after deadline to meet, right up until the end of the block!  Alongside this, I’ve been working as much as I can in order to pay for my car which failed its mot at the beginning of this month. L
I’ve also been very poorly with kidney stones, and was out of action for the best part of a week and a half.  I’m feeling a lot better now, however I am still waiting to hear back that everything inside me is all good and working normally again – so here is hoping all comes back well.
I’ve also had a bit more of a social life: gigs, gym, cinema... which is always nice when usually my only sort of fun would be a night time trip to Tesco to buy crap!  (I know, I’m wild)
I have however not forgotten about my poor wee neglected blog, and I have been trying out various different bits and pieces to see what my skin is taking to.
So for now, it’s the body scrub.
The plan originally was to create some sort of sea salt scrub, which would be safe to use on my face and body.  I started with about two tea spoons of sea salt, which I tried to break down in a bowl.  This stuff is really tough and so I knew it was going to be a challenge right from the start.  When I had successfully managed to crush down only about a third of the salt in the bowl, I gave up and added about three tea spoons of coconut oil.  I mixed the two together until it became a sort of lump in the middle of the bowl, then I set it aside for about an hour to allow it to set.  Then, I took it with me to the shower for a test run.

…do not try this at home kids.

It stings. 
Especially after a cheeky shave of the legs. 
It goes without saying that I aborted the mission there and then. 
Although this is probably a very simple thing to create, this particular experience has put me off for now and I have decided that I am going to leave the sea salt body scrubs to the people who know what they are doing.
My next challenge is going to be a sugar based facial scrub – which I will be sure to share with you ASAP.

Until then, this is farewell my friends.

Thursday 8 January 2015

New Year, New Skin

So now that the festivities are completely over for another year *sobs*, and we are all back into our normal routines – now is probably a good a time as ever to fill you guys in on my week!
I cannot remember the last time my skin felt as good as it does right now.  There are honestly no words to describe how happy this makes me!
It’s been exactly one week today since I started using the really strong steroid cream prescribed to me by the skin specialist – and the results have been amazing.  Looking at my skin now, you would struggle to tell that I actually have a history of eczema flare ups.  I’ve completely lost the horrible red/pink patches on my arms, legs and everywhere else for that matter! 
It’s gone!
Like, completely gone!

Goodbye red neck, hello fresh skin!

My skin this week vs. my skin last week, see for yourself!

Red hot mess

And this is even with me running on the treadmill at home and making regular trips to the gym (now that everywhere is back to normal opening times... mwahaha).  Because as some of you will know, sweat and eczema don’t tend to be the best of pals at time – and exercise usually turns into a very bad flare up… well for me anyways.
I’ve been using the steroid cream every day after a shower, putting on just a thin layer over the parts of my skin that usually flare up the worst; my arms, the underneath of my legs, my lower stomach, my lower back and the back of my neck.  I’ve also been applying the weaker steroid cream to my face, with more emphasis around my eyes – the only really noticeable part when my skin is acting up.  I’m still using the Cetraben cream on the areas that get particularly dry (elbows and the backs of my hands), however for the rest of my body I’m using coconut oil as a substitute moisturiser.
Some of you will remember that I tried this out on my skin during a really bad breakout, hoping that it would offer some sort of relief.  Unfortunately, this was not the case and I decided to keep it purely as a face moisturiser instead.  So seeing as my skin has repaired itself, I decided to give it another bash – and my skin has never felt so smooth and smelt so good!  I love how completely natural and organic it is, it feels good to finally be able to use something so pure on my skin. 
I’ve also been applying make up again, which means that no one can tell me that I look sick anymore… praise the lord!  So after looking around for a foundation which will not be so harsh on my skin, I found a tinted moisturiser by Nivea which appears to do the trick no bother.  I only use a little, as when applying with a foundation brush it really goes a long way!  And so at just £2.69 for a 50 ml bottle – you can’t really go wrong!

This weeks favourites, they smell delicious.
Cheap and cheerful but work wonders.. the above come in at under £10 for all three.. hello?!

I’m currently looking online to see if I can find a recipe to make my own sea salt face and body scrub!  I’ve seen a lot of posts on Instagram by people using various different scrubs for sensitive skin (FRANK, Sea Salt Scrub, Almond Butter Scrub) but all have been priced at around £10 a bottle!  I still have half a bag of sea salt left, as well as numerous tubs of coconut oil kicking about.  So if I can make my own… why not?
Watch this space… 

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

So first of all, I want to say happy New Year to each and every one of you!  2014 was a fun and exciting year;
I passed my driving test first time round
I went to my first festival (Download) which I absolutely loved
I passed my first year of college with an A *proud moment*
Martin and I celebrated our first year anniversary in Edinburgh
And I got to celebrate my 20th birthday on the same night as my little sisters 18th :-)

I’m looking forward to another chilled out year full of fun, gigs, celebrations and laughter!  And who knows, maybe I’ll no longer be blogging about my eczema by the end of it..

On Wednesday I had my appointment with the skin specialist at my local GP.  As most of you will know I was super excited to be referred to her, because I believed that it would be the start of the end of this madness which is my skin condition!
She took a good look at my skin, it was hot and very red that day – so she wanted to see all of the affected areas, opposed to just my arms and neck.  She commented a lot about how angry it looked, and how she wanted to get it “under control” as quickly as possible. 
Her advice was to try out a new steroid ointment that I have not been prescribed before, she suggests that I apply it once a day for up to four weeks, then twice a week, then once, then only when required.  She informed me that it is important to stick to the regime, as when you suddenly stop using such a strong steroid, your skin doesn’t know what to do and goes into shock, which nine out of ten times is why the skin breaks out even worse the next time round!  So even why my skin looks as fresh as a daisy, I’ve still to apply just a little to the areas that flare up the most – in a bid to prevent it from happening later on.
My saviours for the next couple of weeks!  Aveeno cream is right up there with my favourites - the only shop bought cream that actually helps me!
Pictured: Cetraben Cream, Aveeno Oatmeal Cream, Organic Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, Elocon Ointment, Hydrocortisone Ointment and Atarax Antihistamines
My skin the day before the appointment...
My skin the day after, with just one day's use of the new ointment!

She also gave me plenty more antihistamines to help prevent me from hacking at my skin during the night, as well as giving me a weak steroid cream to use on my face to try and stop it looking so angry around my eyes.  I’m still been ditching the make-up, but I have since been advised that Holland and Barrett have a make-up range designed specifically for very sensitive skin – so I may be tempted to test it out in the next couple of weeks.  Watch this space…
All in all, I was a little disappointed with my visit. I’m not exactly sure why, but I had expected something other than just a new ointment.  I guess I had just hoped that I would have been asked more about what I had tried, what had worked for me in the past and what I would be willing to try in the future – rather than just being told for the hundredth time that eczema is not curable just manageable, and that stress will play a part in aggravating my skin from time to time, and that it’s something I’ll just have to deal with. 
I know it can be curable, I’ve read plenty about people who have overcome their struggles with it – be it by changing their lifestyle, their diets or their daily necessities – they did it!  So hopefully, with a little bit of patience, this year will be the year that I overcome it to J
I’m hoping that these ointments will do what the Doctor suggested and bring my skin back to a manageable condition, however I am keen to try other solutions to help control the situation.

I’ll keep you all posted on the success of my new prescriptions over the next couple of weeks, but until then, I hope you all enjoy the start of 2015!

Monday 22 December 2014

It's Getting Hot In Here


My skin is still red, I'm still uncomfortably itchy all the time and I'm still walking around make-up-less looking ill on a daily basis.
I read online a good while back about how some people find bathing in a salt water bath not only relaxing but soothing on the skin.  So me, wanting to believe every possible cure that I read about online in regard to eczema, I went and ordered some from Amazon for just £3.50! (50 p for the salt, £2.99 for delivery.) 
The 100% pure organic Dead Sea spa bath salts arrived just a couple of days after placing the order – which I was really happy with considering I didn't expect them till at least sometime after Christmas! 
I tested them out last night – and to be completely honest, I just wasn't feeling it.  The water stung for a little bit, mainly because I've been hacking at my skin in my sleep again – so I have a lot of cuts and scratches across my body.  When I got out of the bath (about an hour later) I felt uncomfortably dry – my skin felt tight and dried out, which meant that I had to apply more cream than normal.
I am going to give it another go though, maybe at the end of the week, just to be sure that it’s defiantly not going to benefit me. 
I've been using a lot more cream as of lately, purely because my skin is so dry and irritated.  Every time that I apply it to my skin, it absorbs really quickly and still feels really uncomfortable.  So because I've been using more than usual, I've been running out a lot quicker – which is not ideal when Christmas season is in peak and it would appear that my usual chemist comes to a standstill, (irritating isn't even the word.)
I've just over a week to wait until I have my appointment with the specialist, which I'm still really excited about.  Yesterday my skin was burning up to such an uncomfortable temperature – nothing that I tried, even an ice pack, helped to cool me down.  I think this means that it may be infected, which of course is not ideal, but it will emphasise to her that I have been suffering for some time now.

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas, and I’ll update you on my trip to the specialist next week! 

Ice pack at the ready 

I just can't seem to make it shift :(

Monday 8 December 2014

Same Old, Same Old...

So after another busy couple of weeks of deadlines, works, birthdays and UCAS.. (just the thought of it gives me a headache).. I’ve finally managed to scrape together enough time for a little update! 
So a couple of weeks ago I was told by a doctor that I would be referred to a skin specialist at the beginning of the New Year, and so I was delighted when I received the letter to confirm this, on the 31st of December!  I’m super excited to get to speak to someone who specialises in this area, and who can maybe help to cure my condition.
Since last time, I’ve given up on make-up for the time being.  I bought a Simple tinted moisturiser from Superdrug a couple of weeks back, thinking that it would be kinder on my skin than my regular foundation as well as being a lot easier to apply.
I was so wrong.
The stuff is so sticky.  It doesn’t take to my skin very well, and I’m lucky if I get about two hours coverage before my face gets patchy and greasy looking.  The skin around my eyes is very sensitive all the time.  Even when I was little, before I got eczema, my eyelids used to be really dry –the only thing that would help was when I applied Vaseline to them before bed and let it absorb into my skin.  So because my eyelids are so red right now, I’m thinking that au natural for the mean time is for the best.
I have however been told on several occasions since I ditched the make-up that I look very unwell, tired, run down and exhausted – so cheers for the confidence boost guys! J
I just kid, I probably do look all of the above... I just currently don’t have the effort to care. 
I have also decided to ditch the organic hair products, purely because I’m a full time student whom is working part time for next to no dollas during the festive period.  The stuff hasn’t stopped my flare ups, and my skin has been a constant red colour for the past two months now, and so I am beginning to doubt that the SLS is playing that huge a part in my eczema.  It is however probably one of the best shampoos I’ve used on my hair – and so I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a more natural remedy for their hair!
Although I have still managed to avoid the god awful plague that is STILL circulating both the college and my home – I’m not sure that I am going to continue with the mega doses of omega 3 and evening primrose oil capsules.  It’s been a good 2 and a half months that I’ve given these time to kick in, and although some people may argue that I would have to give it longer to see results, I’ve quite frankly given up hope in finding any success with my own remedies.  I will be continuing with the vitamin C however- the longer I can avoid this winter flu the better!
My skin hasn’t changed since the last update…
Still red. 
Still sore. 
Still itchy.
The stronger antihistamines that the last doctor gave to me have done nothing to help.

The 31st of December can’t come soon enough!

My arm was looking better last week...
And then this morning I flared up like nobody's business!
My chest, stomach and lower back are all pretty bad right now too - can't a girl get a break around here?!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Dreams DO Come True!


Pictures of my skin throughout the past week.  Very red, itchy and sore!

I don’t remember the last time I came out of the GP feeling as happy as I did today. 
I told the doctor about all the troubles I’ve been having over the last couple of months, (it was a very nice woman whom I have never be seen by before, and so it always helps to give some background info.)  I told her all about the different treatments I’ve tried, the creams, the steroids, the ointments, the swapping of my daily cosmetics and shower essentials, the vitamins, yada, yada, yada. 
And she got it.
She looked at my notes and almost instantly told me that the next step was the specialist.  Because she personally didn’t specialise in the area of skin, there wasn’t much she could do for me other than to refer me and offer some short term solutions – which today, I was more than happy to take! Although it’s not likely that I will be seen before the end of this year, it does please me that I have managed to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
In terms of what she did for me today – she’s prescribed me a steroid ointment (shock horror), alongside a different antihistamine that I’ve never used before.  The steroid is quite mild compared to the one I was given on my last visit, however it is still to be used thinly across the affected areas.  She’s also requested that I only use it when necessary – which, let’s be honest, with the luck I’ve seemed to have over these last few weeks, will be most likely every other day for the foreseeable future.
The antihistamine she gave me is much stronger than the two I had before.  I’ve to take it every 4-6 hours, provided that it doesn’t make me drowsy.  If it does, then I’ll have to keep it for night time only – which will suck if my skin itches during the day, but that’s just the way things go sometimes!
I know that it is still early days yet, but I think the use of the sauna has been a good thing for my skin after my gym and swim sessions.  I don’t tend to stay in long, between 10-15 minutes max, however my skin hasn’t felt itchy or stingy after my workouts – which needless to say, has been a relief.
Hopefully over the next week, with the use of the steroid ointment, moisturiser, vitamins and sauna, I will see a drastic change in my skin for the better.

*Touch wood*